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Pregnancy: The First Trimester

Writer's picture: SiraSira

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

Woman's hands on her pregnant stomach

The first trimester of pregnancy is filled with growth, development, and changes in both your body and your baby’s body. This trimester includes the first 3 months after your last missed period or LMP. Conception, also referred to as fertilization, is when the egg is fertilized by the sperm. It occurs approximately 2 weeks after your LMP. A zygote forms and quickly develops into an embryo. Within these 12 weeks, your body will begin to change as your baby rapidly grows and develops. What should you expect to notice as this new life begins to form inside of you?

Common Symptoms of Pregnancy:

  1. Late or missed period

  2. Morning sickness involving nausea and vomiting, usually subsiding after 12 weeks or the first trimester of pregnancy

  3. Fatigue

  4. Increased hunger and thirst

  5. Constipation

  6. Minor aches, pains, and discomforts, such as breast tenderness

  7. Headaches

  8. Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing teeth

  9. Heartburn or indigestion

  10. Mood swings

Did you know that morning sickness doesn’t always come in the morning? It can actually come anytime you are pregnant and have an empty stomach, although it generally lasts through your first trimester. Make a habit of keeping snacks with you to settle your stomach between meals, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Also, begin taking prenatal vitamins for the health of both you and your baby!

Fetal Growth and Development:

Around day 8 of your pregnancy, your baby is about the size of the “period” in this sentence. Your baby’s heart begins to beat just 21 days after fertilization and at 8 weeks, the embryo will be able to respond to touch by reflex.

By the end of the first trimester, your baby will measure just over 2 inches long and it will weigh around ½ of an ounce, close to the size of a lime or a passion fruit. Your baby will have changed from a tiny cell to having all of its major organ systems forming, eyelids, the ability to urinate, voluntary movement, and the ability to yawn or suck. Brain waves are able to be recorded and the baby is even producing its own blood! The embryo will also be referred to as a fetus. How incredible are the changes that happen over such a short period of time!

As your baby grows, you will begin to experience growth of your own. During the first trimester of pregnancy, as your baby is still small, it is common to gain around 3-4 lbs. You may notice that loose clothing is most comfortable and you may even begin to wear maternity clothing, especially if this isn’t your first pregnancy. Focus on trying to frequently eat light meals of high-density nutritious foods to healthily support you and your baby.

Avocados, bananas, whole grain bread and crackers, broccoli, lentils, chicken, nuts, salmon, lean beef, collard greens, yogurt, eggs, asparagus, spinach, cottage cheese, and citrus fruits are all awesome for the health and development of both you and your baby!


For more information from the Centers for Disease Control on having a healthy pregnancy and creating a healthy start for your baby click here.

For more information on What to Expect during your first trimester of pregnancy click here.

If you think you might be pregnant or have questions regarding pregnancy options, stop in and see us! Call (352) 377-4947 or email to make an appointment.


  1. During Pregnancy, Centers for Disease and Control

  2. Fetal Development: What happens during the first (second, third) trimester?, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research,

  3. 15 Foods for the First Trimester by Aela Mass,

  4. Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy,

  5. You’re Pregnant: Now What?, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

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Sira is a free women's center providing holistic STD and pregnancy services serving Gainesville, Florida and Alachua County. As a 501(c)(3) in the state of Florida, all our services are provided at no cost to our clients and patients. The education on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical or prenatal care. Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortion services. Contact us to learn more.

Please note that we update our site as the laws in Florida change. However, past blogs and articles may not reflect up-to-date legal information. Please call us if you have questions about your rights or for information on the legality of abortion in Florida. 

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