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Pregnancy Milestones: Your Baby in the First Trimester

Writer's picture: SiraSira

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

The first three months of pregnancy, known as the first trimester, are a truly special time for mom, and a critical time for baby. Your baby has a lot of growing to do in order to progress from just a couple of cells into a fully formed person with arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes.

The First Month

The amniotic sac forms around the fertilized egg, helping to protect the developing child within the womb. The placenta also develops around this time, connecting the child to the mother and delivering vital nutrients. By the end of the first month, there are the recognizable beginnings of a face, with dark areas where the eyes will develop and the genesis of the mouth, jaw, and throat. Blood begins circulating.

The Second Month

Your baby further develops facial features, including eyes and ears, and starting around week six, the very early stages of arms, legs, fingers, and toes. The core pieces of the central nervous system are in place and elements of the digestive system, including the intestines, are identifiable. Skin is forming, as are hair follicles and nail beds. Your baby can now move on his own.

The Third Month

Your baby gains the ability to open and close his hands. He has fingernails, toenails and even the beginnings of teeth. Genitals are developing and the circulatory and urinary systems are working efficiently. He has touch receptors on his face, hands, feet and genitals. Your doctor will likely be able to let you hear your baby’s heartbeat midway through this month.

If you recently learned you’re pregnant and would like help navigating the first trimester of your pregnancy and beyond, contact Sira. We can confirm your pregnancy with a free limited obstetrical ultrasound following a free medical pregnancy test. Our client advocates can answer questions, offer guidance, and connect you with community resources.

Call Sira in Gainesville today at 352-377-4947.

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Sira is a free women's center providing holistic STD and pregnancy services serving Gainesville, Florida and Alachua County. As a 501(c)(3) in the state of Florida, all our services are provided at no cost to our clients and patients. The education on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical or prenatal care. Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortion services. Contact us to learn more.

Please note that we update our site as the laws in Florida change. However, past blogs and articles may not reflect up-to-date legal information. Please call us if you have questions about your rights or for information on the legality of abortion in Florida. 

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