Hope Restored: After-Abortion and Sexual Healing Programs

An estimated one-third of all American women will have an abortion at some point in their lives. Many struggle emotionally after making that decision. Even more contend with repercussions from sexual promiscuity, trauma and abuse but never talk about it, struggling silently with the impact. If these issues resonate with you, please know you are not alone.

At Sira, we are here to listen and help you begin the healing journey. Through our Hope Restored program, you can talk with compassionate leaders or participate in group sessions with those who have had shared experiences and struggles. We also offer sessions for men coping with these same issues.

Together, we can process the lingering emotions to make healing and restored hope your reality.

women talking and listening

woman and man holding hands over pregnant belly

performing pregnancy confirmation ultrasound

young woman receiving pregnancy options counseling

woman receiving sti test results